A SATIRICAL JOURNEY INTO THE MIND OF BENITO MUSSOLINI   July 24 1943. Rome. The Grand Council of Fascism meets to discuss the deposition of BENITO MUSSOLINI. The Duce, tired, stunned and overwhelmed by the reverses suffered by the Italian military,…


NEW PRODUCTION - SEASON 2023-24 Created and interpreted by Tom Corradini An experimental show of physical and visual comedy. A Shaolin monk relives his childish and clownish soul in his Zen practice, discovering a world always full of surprises and...

I FRATELLI LEHMAN (The Lehman Brothers)

   VISUAL AND PHYSICAL COMEDY SHOW A nouveau clown show about the story of the Fratelli Lehman, a couple of bankers and financiers whose uncanny ability and skills have made them famous and respected all over the world. Apparently they have...


TRAGICOMIC THEATRE SHOW ABOUT CYBERBULLYING IN ENGLISH (intermediate level) NATIVE SPEAKERS AND LEARNERS OF ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE VIRGINIE is a 17 year-old student who recently moved with her family to a city in Minnesota, USA. She is an...

#VIRGINIE (Italian version)

TRAGICOMIC THEATRE SHOW ABOUT CYBERBULLYING IN ITALIAN (intermediate level) NATIVE SPEAKERS AND LEARNERS OF ITALIAN AS A SECOND LANGUAGE VIRGINIE is a 17 year-old student who recently moved with her family to a new. She is an introvert girl with...


(SINCERE MOMENTS OF VITALITY) A PHYSICAL COMEDY EXPLORATION OF MENTAL ILLNESS GESTURE THEATRE AND MODERN CLOWNING Andrèn just wanted to fit in society Attina just wanted to speak with her plant Angelo just wanted to do his job 4 walls,...


Creating inside the audience the same emotions of a compulsive gambler through the power of theatre and storytelling. AN EMOTIONAL EXPLORATION OF COMPULSIVE GAMBLING. A journey in the perverted excitement it triggers in all of us, in order to observe...


BREXIT is a physical theatre comedy written  by Tom Corradini and Samuel Toye.  June 23, 2016 - more than 30 million UK citizens are called to vote in a referendum. The question asked is simple and straightforward: “Should the United Kingdom remain a member...

Ottimo spettacolo

Spettacolo coinvolgente e adatto alla fascia d’età del pubblico destinatario. Gli attori hanno saputo manere viva l’attenzione durante l’intera rappresentazione. Positivo anche il fatto che i ragazzi abbiano potuto interagire. Infine, molto utile a livello linguistico.

Paola P. Docente - Liceo Don Milani, Romano di Lombardia (BG) Brexit
